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Half-Life 2 Co-op (Synergy) like Sandbox

Install Dedicated Server

  • Download and Install SteamCMD
  • Run SteamCMD
  • Login a account that has Half-Life 2 purchased
  • Install Synergy and All Half-Life 2
app_update 17520
app_update 220
app_update 380
app_update 420
app_update 340

SourceMod Plugins

FTZ Cheats – Allow admin player use cheats command without sv_cheats

Keyboard Shortcut

bind "n" "sv_cheats 1;noclip;sv_cheats 0"
bind "-" "npc_create npc_zombie"
bind "=" "npc_create npc_headcrab"
bind "o" "ent_create npc_turret_floor spawnflags 512"
bind "p" "ent_create npc_citizen citizentype 3 spawnflags 393732 additionalequipment weapon_crowbar"
bind "[" "ent_create npc_citizen citizentype 3 spawnflags 393732 additionalequipment weapon_shotgun"
bind "]" "ent_create npc_citizen citizentype 3 spawnflags 393732 additionalequipment weapon_ar2"
bind "\" "ent_create npc_citizen citizentype 3 spawnflags 393732 additionalequipment weapon_rpg"
bind "l" "npc_create npc_monk weapon_crowbar"
bind "SEMICOLON" "npc_create npc_monk weapon_shotgun"
bind "'" "npc_create npc_monk weapon_rpg"
bind "/" "npc_create npc_metropolice weapon_crowbar"
bind "." "npc_create npc_combine_s weapon_stunstick"
bind "," "npc_create npc_turret_floor"
bind "DEL" "ent_remove"
bind "MOUSE4" "npc_create npc_monk weapon_smg1"
bind "MOUSE5" "ent_create npc_citizen citizentype 3 spawnflags 393732 additionalequipment weapon_smg1"
bind "MOUSE3" "ent_fire !picker ignite"
bind "MWHEELUP" "ent_rotate 45"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "ent_rotate -45"

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